Messages From the Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss ..
Resonating Excerpts ..
Resonating Excerpts ..
Not accidentally or coincidentally are we born into our families.We choose our circumstances and establish a plan for our lives before we are even conceived .
There is considerable evidence that we actually see the major events in the life to come ,the points of destiny in this planning stage before birth . We map out the key people we will meet , reunions with soul mates and soul companions , even the actual places where these events will eventually occur. This is clinical evidence from patients who experiences pre-birth memories while under hypnosis , spontaneous recall or during meditation.
Although every human being comes with a life plan , we also have a free will , as do our parents and everyone else with whom we interact . Our lives and their lives will be affected by the choices we make from free will in the physical state , but the destiny points planned will also occur . We will meet the people we planned to meet, and we will face the opportunities and obstacles, we planned to face , long before we take birth. But , how we handle these meetings , our reactions and subsequent decisions are expressions of our free will in that physical state . Destiny and free will , thus, co-exist, and interact all the time. They are complementary to each other , not contradictory.
Evidence from various patients and their past life regressions ,shows us that ,the soul appears to make a reservation for a particular body around the time of the conception. No other soul can occupy that body at that point of time . However, the union of the soul with the body is not fully completed , until the moment of birth. Till that point of time , the soul of the unborn child can be both inside and outside of the body , and is often aware of experiences , and events outside its own body , even outside the mother's body and sometimes even experiences on the spiritual plane.
After our souls leave the body at the time of physical death, the soul reviews the lives it has just left , learn lessons, rejuvenate the energy and plan for the next life. The soul re-experiences every encounter, every relationship , we feel the emotions of the people whom we have helped or hurt , loved or hated , or affect positively or negatively. We feel their emotions very deeply and this is a sort of a very intense feedback about our experiences and behaviors while we were in the earth plane , in our physical bodies . We learn through relationships . It is a period of renewal. when we arrive in the spiritual plane we are burned out. We have to go through a renewal stage,a learning stage and a stage of decision. We decide when we want to return,where and for what reasons. Some choose not to come back and stay in spirit form,for a longer time before they choose to return. We never really die , we just merely change our levels of consciousness. Because our loved ones are immortal too , we never really separate from them. there are seven planes ..through which we must pass before we return . One of them is the plane of transition. There you wait , it is determined , what you will take back with you into the next life.
Consciousness is thus , not something "local: limited to our physical bodies or brains. When we "die" our physical death , our consciousness survives and goes on , since it is not physically based. This is how , we are able to carry and experience memories of dying in our past lives, of what happened after death , of what happened "in-utero" and what happened mere moments before we actually take birth.
Infants and young babies, and children are aware of so much more than we suspect or imagine or understand. They are aware of our emotions as well as our actions , right from the "in-utero " phase . The flow of our loving feelings and thoughts to them ,, both before and after their birth , nourishes their souls and is vital for healthy development.
The fact that memories and experiences exist ,shows us that the actively engaged consciousness exists even before birth , the fetus and infant is aware of so much more than we thought . They are perceiving and integrating a great deal of information . They are keyed in and keenly tuned into the expressions of love that we communicate to them , through words,thoughts and feelings.
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