All familiar yet strange
Known yet Unknown..
The spirited waves, rising and falling..rushing along to meet the shores..
She was carefree ,dancing along ,to a tune of her own ..or so she thought..
The moon ,cool and calm, oh so far away, untouched and unaffected..
He seemed still and distant ,just an observer to her free spirited dance ..or so he thought..
But unseen to their seeing eyes ,
And only seen by their throbbing hearts..
Just as a little child ,at once innocent and curious ..
drawn to the magician wielding his magic with his wand
The oh! so feminine waves, at once eager and reluctant..
was drawn to the moon wielding his charms with his beams
All the while, the moon whistles and sings ; and whispers & hums, his enchanting tune
All the while, the waves rush and jump ;and rise & fall, in an enchanted dance
And just as they go hand in hand in a joyful prance ..
the waves try to break free from the grasp of the moon
and the moon loosens his hold to let her free..
And just as they drift apart with a lingering glance ..
She realising a need to hold his familiar hand ..rushes back
He realising a raging fire scalding and leaping within..grabs her outstretched hand!
Bewitched and bewitching with the magic of their cosmic symphony
together they journey ..
In the darkened theatre of the night
With an audience of a million stars shining
Swaying and shimmering , in rapture sighing !
All familiar yet Strange
Known yet Unknown..
Known yet Unknown..
The spirited waves, rising and falling..rushing along to meet the shores..
She was carefree ,dancing along ,to a tune of her own ..or so she thought..
The moon ,cool and calm, oh so far away, untouched and unaffected..
He seemed still and distant ,just an observer to her free spirited dance ..or so he thought..
But unseen to their seeing eyes ,
And only seen by their throbbing hearts..
Just as a little child ,at once innocent and curious ..
drawn to the magician wielding his magic with his wand
The oh! so feminine waves, at once eager and reluctant..
was drawn to the moon wielding his charms with his beams
All the while, the moon whistles and sings ; and whispers & hums, his enchanting tune
All the while, the waves rush and jump ;and rise & fall, in an enchanted dance
And just as they go hand in hand in a joyful prance ..
the waves try to break free from the grasp of the moon
and the moon loosens his hold to let her free..
And just as they drift apart with a lingering glance ..
She realising a need to hold his familiar hand ..rushes back
He realising a raging fire scalding and leaping within..grabs her outstretched hand!
Bewitched and bewitching with the magic of their cosmic symphony
together they journey ..
In the darkened theatre of the night
With an audience of a million stars shining
Swaying and shimmering , in rapture sighing !
All familiar yet Strange
Known yet Unknown..
mystic love is very nice, and the title suits well
I'm spellbound!! Its magnetic magical and super coool!!! :) ... everytime I read it.. i feel am out of the normal world.. :) ... I think the night effect gives a calming cooling effect too.. you just have to fall into the flow and continue getting out some splendid writings.. am not analyzing the hows and the whys anymore :))