Saturday, September 7, 2024

Our dear little cuddlebug turns 3!

Start of this year, we saw you step forward into nursery school

With your baby babble and that cute diaper clad waddle

All through Spring, Summer & as we welcome Fall,

Our hearts spill over with joy watching you ace so many new skills & having a ball!

Our Adhi's little sister,  full of mischief & giggles

Our little performer, our little entertainer

Our little human full of sunshine & rainbows

As you journey on from your terrible twos, to your thrilling threes

Shine bright in your own beautiful light

Happy 3rd birthday to our darling little  Nidhi!

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Happy 2nd birthday to our dear little Nidhi!


A blue summer sky full of pretty butterflies,

A garden full of bright beautiful petals,

A streak of the brightest rainbow after a cool summer shower,

A pocket full of colored candies,

A basket full of naughty puppies,

You are all of this and so much more,

Our precious little bundle of love n laughter,

Happy 2nd birthday my dearest little Nidhi!!😍

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Happy 1st birthday to our dear little Nidhi!


You arrived as the tiniest of flowers, with the toughest of roots,

A glorious miracle, in a tiny little bundle.

Life gave us the gift of you,

No one prepared us for the wonder we see in you.

Advait's little best friend for life, his very special answered prayer,

Your chubby face n glorious smile, warm our lives like golden rays.

Sparkle and shine as you dazzle us with your beautiful spirit,

Blossom in your own special way, the world is so much better, with you in it.

Like little seeds grow into mighty trees, fly your flights and dream your dreams,

Touch the wind, see things grow and hear the sun rise.

Our love for you is sprinkled in all of it,

Bless you, our precious little treasure!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Happy 5th Birthday to my dear little Advait!

My gooey ooey brownie bar
My coco choco  cookie bite
My crumbly warm apple pie
My very special strawberry strudel
My lil round honey pop

My giggly little gingerbread man
My yummy chubby cuppy cake
My yappy little happy cake
My cutie pie, love you loads!
You charming little 5 year old!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A little bit of magic ..a little bit of wonder..

I am fascinated with small moments that bring a sense of satisfaction at having understood a shade of your inner spectrum which seems like a new perspective at first  then surprises you 'cos you recognize its actually not  something new,but  something you tapped into that was waiting to come to the surface.
A recent journey took me to Kerala, and I was initially thrown off for a bit by the swirling,sweltering heat, since that was not  how I remembered summers in Kerala to be ,back from my childhood days.But soon after the initial stutter, one glance of the vast  sprawling stretches of ancient mammoth temple walls , and the all  familiar sight of bent twisted trunks of lanky coconut trees,was all it took for the mind to go speeding on a comforting and exhilarating backslide,comforting as a feeling of familiarity wrapped around you and exhilarating as long forgotten memories sprung back to life..

I remember feeling a rush of energy slowly spreading across my skin, like it does after a refreshing session of meditation, like it does after soaking in the sun and cool breeze of an early morning, as I stood at the sprawling entrance of the Vadakkunathan temple. 

The sheer vastness surrounding me in that sanctum space, outlined by humongous ancient weather beaten walls that have stood through eons of history and generations brings home the fact that you are just a small part of a much larger miracle!
As I soaked in the magic in the air and the raw earthiness of  the long pristine stone walkways, the welcoming shelter of colossal magnificently old trees, I realized that I was feeling  a sense of recognition, a sense of homecoming in that place,though  it was my first visit there..
Now weeks after, that wonder and fascination  and magic still lingers ,stays with me like the warmth of a loved one's embrace..

Till the next time I am back there..

Sunday, March 6, 2016

My Delightful Darling Nephew is 4! :)


Adored you as I heard you burst into silly little songs of duckies and monkeys
Captivated as I listened to your long colorful stories 
Fascinated as I spied on you humming random little tunes
Enchanted as you gave us your spirited little dances
Awed as you deftly mastered numbers &words, clocks &puzzles
Warmed when you showered your mama with your innocent little nuzzles
Delighted when you gave her a bloom from the garden
Tickled as I saw you hang from your father's knee
And saw your chubby hand peek when you played hide n seek
Excited when I taught you to play Rock Paper Scissors
Contented as you let me read to you about Cleo and Daphne at nap times 
Overjoyed as I watched your splashy fun at bath times
Elated as we licked ice cream bars together and fought for chocolate crisps
Filled with pride when I heard you thank the delivery man, say hello & bye to the local store man
Teared with joy as I saw you stop on sidewalks to listen to a musician’s tune
And you wanted to give him the biggest coin mama had 
Missed your baby tongue say baalah for flower
Thrilled though at your toddler tongue little fellow
As I heard you say cocodile and lellow
Blessed by the joy you give us year after year 
From infant to baby & toddler to preschooler
Here you are, now, years four
Bless you my happy little treasure, keep shining more!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

A new day..

Weary feet from a long lonely tread
Frozen heart with cold unsaid fears
Of punishing paths...Of rockier terrain
Of chilling quiet in cloudy mists

A blind turn down an unknown road
Bringing soft purple hues of a graceful sunset
With a tender breeze, a sense of joy stirring
Little white flowers teasing and caressing
A sudden shower crisp cool and fresh
Landing fleeting kisses from silver droplets  
Long buried fears trickle away
As a little seedling of hope bursts forth

Springing to life in bright splashes of color
Tearing away old memories and dark corners
Sparkly joy in new laughter and new dreams

A dazzling new dawn.. Bathing me in warm golden rays

June 2 2015

Friday, March 6, 2015

My dear little hero turns 3!

With your itty bitty words, and itty bitty lines
In your special little voice, and that special baby talk
With your varied moods ,your expressions so endearing
Busy all day  jumping and rolling, climbing n hanging
Till your bed time story and say your little prayers

With your happy little smile n chubby little fingers
Your cutesy little kisses that in the heart lingers
With your cozy little cuddles and silly little games
Your warm little hugs like a cute cuddly bear

You fill our hearts with limitless joy,
Our special little lion, our shining pride
Our blessing from God who arrived
This very special day three years ago!

Wish you loads of love, health n cheer now and forever!!

Happy Birthday to my dear little Advait, who’s growing to be a charming smashing Hero!!! :)

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday my dearest lil Advait

Two years ago,this very special day, 
You came like a lil pink flower with chubby round cheeks, 
Pretty black eyes&silky locks of hair  
To light up our lives in your own unique way !

A bright new face with a  wise old soul
With your little steps your little sounds
With your little laughs and your  little cuddles
Every day you makes us whole !

Now running around with chubby lil legs in tiny shoes 
Happy Birthday my dear lil nephew! 
You have an aunt sooo proud you have turned two!!
A huuuge piece of my heart you will always be..

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

For a little bittle 1 year old qweetie pie !:)

 I can sprawl & crawl ,sit & stand ,
And hey guess what ..
I can throw & drop , shake & bang!

I can chuckle & grin ,flash you my smiley
And hey guess what..
I can wave my chubby hand to say Howdie!

I got my very own set of pearly whiteys
And hey guess what ..
I can chew and bite my mommy's phone!

I have been busy off late perfecting my waddle
And hey guess what ..
I can toddle..make sure u hold my hand nice n tight!

Time sure flies when life's such a hoot
And to think the fun's just begun..Toot Toot!
It's time for a party , cake and fun
Cos guess what ..
    I’m turning one!!!!!